Your technology service provider for interactive events
Innovative technologies allow you to interact directly and dynamically with your audience in a completely new way. SwarmWorks offers interactive technologies for events, meetings, workshops and trainings.
A selection of our customers
Do you need inspiration and interactive ideas for your event?
Contact us. We look forward to getting to know you!
Innovative technologies for exciting & efficient events
We offer you extraordinary technologies for your interactive event. Our service includes the complete package to make your event efficient and interactive. We are as individual as you and make the interactions pixel-perfect according to your wishes!
Let your participants work together or bring the emotions in the room to a boil. Make your event special and give each participant a voice!
Lassen Sie Ihre Teilnehmer untereinander vernetzt arbeiten oder bringen Sie die Emotionen im Saal zum Kochen. Machen Sie Ihr Event zu etwas Besonderem und geben Sie jedem Teilnehmer eine Stimme!
Our products
Inspirations, interactive ideas & solutions for your next event
Our innovative products and technologies engage your participants 100% interactive in your event. We offer you reliable technologies and the know-how to get the best out of your event!
Innovative, fast and easy: Thanks to optical signal recognition, Vision offers real-time gaming and voting applications.